Through contributions like the ones made to Adopt a Grandparent, the Los Martincitos are able to go on a few excursions during the year. Last week we took them all to the beach. We began the day early, serving breakfast, and then immediately served lunch, which everyone took with them for later. We also served a terrific mate (or tea) for them to take with them.
We all packed up our gear and then boarded the busses (it takes three to get them all in)and traveled to the south about 45 minutes to a beach called Punto Viejo, where the tide is gentle and there are many things to do, in a very relaxed atmosphere, since it usually isn't crouded. We brought chairs for those who needed them, and a big tarp for a tent (which kept blowing away).
Soon after we got there and the hardier ones took a swim in the ocean, everyone took out his/her lunch and we pikniked on the beach. There were many things to do, so that we didn't really miss the sun. It was warm, breezy and cloudy, which may have been the best weather of all. Certainly, everyone had a good time. See below for pictures.
Sunday, January 23, 2005

Once or twice (or maybe three times) a year, the Martincitos go to the beach in the summer, and to a sunny resort in the winter. Here we all are in one of the three busses that took approximately 120 abueltos to Puerto Viejo, a beach about 45 minutes south of Villa El Salvador. The beach in Villa is very beautiful, but the water is a bit contaminated, and the Pacific has a terrific undertow. Puerto Viejo is surrounder by rocks and so the undertow is not forceful. Also, it is a fairly quiet beach, especially on a weekday.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
One of the two directors of "Los Martincitos"
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

After all the excitement and activities of the Holiday season, the CCS volunteers returned, and while some of the abuelitos played "Sapo" (see below), some of the women received manacures. Adopt a Grandparent helps to supply the manacure materials, while Cross-Cultural Solutions provides the "manicuristas"

After New Year's weekend, the weather changed to real Summer, so the group played "Sapo" which is a little like pitching Pennies, and a little like Horseshoes. The object is to get the large metal coins into one of the holes in the top of the table; in the middle sits a large frog (sapo in Spanish), if you get a coin through his mouth, you get a 5000 point score. Almost all of the men, and some of the women either played or watched. They play for prizes, and generally work up some comptetition between the women and the men. Most of them are extreamly good at this game, and take the scoring very seriously.
While they generally enjoy playing this game and some others (dance contests, bowling, two legged races, egg-on-the spoon. etc.) many aren't capable of participating, many have done so many times, and many just need some new spark. The program's staff are currently working on developing new activities with the help of a small grant from Adopt a Grandparent.
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