I've been away from this log, and infact everything since my leg broke on March 5, 2005. I'm now in enforced rest (what else can I do?) for the next few months, and so will have to rely on whatever photos and news is sent to me. There are some pictures of me circulating around, but as I have no cast, they are unremarkable.
I have been spending the last 12 days thinking about the difference in care that I'm getting, and what is available for the Abuelitos. Without going into details, the care is as different as you can imagine. I only had to wait for 28 hours for my bone to be set and a pin inserted. I know of abueltitos with breaks who have had to wait 5-6 days, and some who were just sent home. I recall, specifically, meeting Barbara for the first time, in her home, on the very first home visit. She had her foot in a sling from the ceiling, and I thought then that she would never walk on that broken foot again. It's a tribute to the strength of her genetic makup that Barbara not only walks, but dances on that foot, 6 years later, with no thanks to the local hospital who just sent her home with no treatment.
Her time at home was a bit different as well. Her family (a son and Daughter-in-law) took turns taking care of her, their children and, oh yes, trying to find and do work. I've been lucky enough to be able to hire a nurse, who is also my neighbor, so she gets me set up, then goes and fixes her daughter lunch after school, comes back to help me at night, and then has time the next morning for her daughter before coming over to me. I get almost 24 hour care, she gets a job, and gets time with her daughter. Everyone wins.
But most of the abueltios would be unable to pay a nurse. Barbara was one of the lucky ones whose children looked after her, others have no children or ar estranged from those they have, or even have children who have abused and deserted them.
Los Martinctios provides for minimal care with a fill time nurse, and voluntary doctors, but cannot provide the personal care that many of the seniors need.